Nowadays, starting with the pandemic and ending with the war in Ukraine, everyone would like to feel safe. To meet these expectations, the Pro Defend team, consisting of many experts from various fields, has developed new protection concepts that are designed to define security rules in accordance with the client’s needs, through environmental design.Theseare based on established principles and are compliant with ISO 22341 CPTED guidelines.
Risk prevention through environmental design (CPTED – „sept-ted”) is a new multidisciplinary approach to preventing risks, such as:
- criminal attacks
- terrorist attacks
- war
- fires
- other situations that arouse fear and panic
Our concept uses urban and architectural design, as well as the management of the built and natural environment in such a way as to deter violations and reduce fear among users and residents.
CPTED strategies are aimed at reducing the sense of threat or violence, stopping criminals’ decisions that precede criminal acts, and building a sense of community among residents so that they can feel safe in their place of residence and minimise fear of situations that may potentially threaten them.
Our process can be implemented in any type of facility in residential, commercial and industrial areas, including educational institutions, city parks, hotels and other public facilities. The standard created by PRO Defend also covers audits through risk assessment and recommends possible use of certified products that improve the overall security status of the audited properties. The process created by PRO Defend can be used either when designing new facilities or can be implemented in existing premises.
PRO Defend helps planners, designers and security professionals create safer and more enjoyable places to live, learn, work and play.
Pro Defend also includes individual projects forshelters, panic rooms and other structures that are part of the general concept of direct security, complemented with video monitoring or alarm systems. We help in obtaining all the necessary formalities, in accordance with requirements and our clients’ requests. Our aim is to find the best solution to ensure the safety of people occupying the buildings and provide them with possible escape routes.
Secure your home and work against various scenarios that threaten you and your loved ones. We are available for you in terms of consulting, design and execution.